Vapor Intrusion Investigation
Vapor Intrusion Investigation
Over the past several years, vapor intrusion has gained significant attention for potential indoor human exposure to volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). These chemicals include chlorinated solvents (i.e. dry cleaning chemicals, etc.), solvents, and petroleum products (i.e. gasoline, fuel oil, etc.). Groundwater and soils contaminated with VOCs emit vapors into the air that fills the space between soils. This contaminated air can be trapped under a building foundation, or even drawn to a building foundation due to pressure differentials, and enter into the building air. These vapor intrusions may pose a significant health risk to individuals in both residential and industrial settings.
Over the past several years, vapor intrusion has gained significant attention. In addition, the American Society of Testing & Materials (ASTM) has issued a standard (Standard Practice for Assessment of Vapor Intrusion into Structure on Property Involved in Real Estate; ASTM-2600-08) which provides the guidance for performing a Vapor Intrusion Assessment. This Standard is often used in conjunction with a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment to determine if “potential vapor intrusion conditions” (pVICs) are present prior to a real estate transaction.
ALPINE has performed numerous vapor intrusion investigations for onsite and offsite chlorinated solvent (i.e. perc, and TCE) and petroleum (i.e. gasoline and fuel oil) contamination. These investigations involve the collection of sub-slab, soil gas, and indoor air samples in stainless steel canisters or passive monitors with the appropriate laboratory analysis.
Evacuated air canister used for vapor collection
The collected data is analyzed using US Environmental Protection Agency, US Center for Disease Control, and NYS Department of Health guidance and risk exposure information to evaluate the vapor intrusion condition.
Additional insight can be gained from more detailed soil gas/vapor intrusion investigations. Tetrachloroethene (perk) had been found in groundwater samples collected on an industrial site, and the source could be onsite or any of the neighboring sites as they all had a history of using the chemical. A gradient diagram for soil gas levels of perk clearly demonstrates the “hot spot”. This was in an area under one of the manufacturing buildings on the site. Further analysis of the data indicated a sub slab depressurization system was only necessary in this section of the building
Vapor Intrusion Pathway Investigations start at $1,900 in the Albany, New York area for a small commercial or residential building.
Contact ALPINE for more information on Vapor Intrusion Investigation
Contact: Mark
Phone: (518)391-2359
Email: MarkS@alpineenvcom