Environmental Site Assessment
Environmental Site Assessment
The reason for performing environmental site assessments is to identify and evaluate recognized environmental conditions. Failure to identify recognized environmental conditions before a property is purchased may result in liability for the new owners and lenders and can cause a reduction in collateral value of the real estate.
The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is a critical point in the evaluation of risk when purchasing or financing the purchase of a property. To adequately address this risk evaluation, ALPINE only uses senior staff to perform Environmental Site Assessments. This includes degreed personnel with several relevant certifications/licenses and over a decade of assessment experience.
ALPINE performs Environmental Site Assessments following the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice 1527-05.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments are often necessary when unresolved Recognized Environmental Conditions are identified during a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The scope is defined based on the Phase I ESA information. It may be as simple as the collection of a single sample or as complex as a groundwater survey throughout an entire industrial complex. The most common Phase II Environmental Site Assessment services offered by ALPINE:
. Subsurface Soil Investigation via Direct Push Sampler
· Groundwater Surveys
· Soil Gas Surveys
· Under Slab Soil Collection inside buildings
· Vapor Intrusion Investigation
Gasoline tanks identified on a 1951 Insurance Map. The area was developed into medical offices in 1995 without a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The 2008 Phase I ESA discovered the gasoline tanks (“G.T.’s) historic presence on the property.
Soil borings in the gasoline tank (“G.T.’s) area revealed contamination more than 50 years after they disappeared off the insurance maps
Geoprobe soil boring during Phase II Environmental Site Assessment.
During Phase I and Phase II site assessments ALPINE uncovered an underground gas/oil storage tank thought to have been removed decades ago.
Contact ALPINE for more information on Environmental Site Assessment
Contact: Mark
Phone: (518)391-2359
email: MarkS@AlpineEnv.com