Asbestos Services
Contact: Mike
Mobile: (518)605-2955
Email: MichaelB@AlpineEnv.com
Contact: Craig
Office: (518)227-1430
Email: CraigP@AlpineEnv.com
Asbestos Services
According to the NYS Department of Labor (ICR 56) "The entire area impacted by the demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair project must be surveyed [by a NYSDOL certified Asbestos Inspector]." This applies to buildings regardless of age. Call Craig Petreikis, PE, at Alpine today, (518) 227-1430, if you are planning a renovation or demolition.
Asbestos Air and Project Monitoring
ALPINE provides thorough asbestos air and project monitoring for commercial, industrial, and residential projects. Our team of experienced asbestos air and project monitors is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
ALPINE’s in house NYS DOH Certified Asbestos Laboratory is always available for quick turnaround results.
ALPINE has twelve NYS DOL Certified Asbestos Air and/or Project Monitors and can expeditiously tackle asbestos abatement monitoring on even the most rigorous schedule.
Asbestos Inspection and Remediation Design
ALPINE provides thorough asbestos pre demolition, renovation, and path of construction (POC) inspections for commercial, industrial, and residential properties. Our team of experienced asbestos inspectors and project designers bring asbestos issues from identification to bid ready asbestos abatement documents in a seamless process.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New York State Department of Labor require all materials suspected of containing asbestos to be “presumed asbestos containing material” unless proven otherwise by laboratory analysis. ALPINE’s asbestos inspections and abatement designs comply with all New York State and EPA requirements.
ALPINE has ten NYS DOL Certified Asbestos Inspectors and can expeditiously tackle an asbestos inspection at even the largest facilities. Our capabilities include CAD drawings and database creation for thorough reports and easier facility management plans.
Contact ALPINE for more information on Asbestos Air and Project Monitoring
Contact: Mike
Mobile: (518)605-2955
Email: MichaelB@AlpineEnv.com
Contact: Craig
Office: (518)227-1430
Email: CraigP@AlpineEnv.com